Gramonnati Mandal's

College of Agriculture Business Management, Narayangaon

(Affiliated to Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri)

Establishment in 2006

INSTITUTIONAL QUOTA LIST INSTITUTIONAL QUOTA ADMISSION OPEN Advertisement 2024 College Fees ( 2024-25Batch) Rs.49500 Per year शैक्षिणिक वर्ष २०२४-२५ मध्ये प्रथम वर्ष प्रवेशित विध्यार्थी फी रु.४९५००.००/- आहे.




The College of Agriculture Business Management is affiliated to Mahatma Phule Agriculture University, Rahuri. Today Indian agriculture needs highly competent & multi disciplinary human resource. Hence Gramonnati Mandal took this opportunity of investing in people for giving a cadre of highly competent human resource in the field of Agriculture.

We offer a stimulating and unique learning environment to study, that develops and encourages our students to achieve their future dreams. Our former students have gone on to perform at the highest levels in a broad range of careers.…

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Agriculture Business Management is now more challenging than ever, in the context of soaring food prices, food security concerns and globalization. Due to globalization and liberalization, the jurisdiction of Business of agricultural products has been widened. Due this, Agriculture Business Management has assumed prime position in the welfare of the farming community. ABM Department with a core focuses on Agribusiness and international trade. This department aimed to craft professional business leaders and entrepreneur in the food and agribusiness sector.

Sister Institutes

  • Krushi Vigyan Kendra (ICAR), New Delhi
  • Agriculture Polytechnic (MPKV), Rahuri
  • Open University Study Center(YCMOU), Nashik
  • Dairy Diploma, Nagpur | MAFSU
  • Agriculture Science & Technology, Pune
  • Horticulture Diploma (MCVC), Pune
  • Mali Training Center (MPKV), Rahuri

Gramonnati Mandal's
College of Agriculture Business Management,

Narayangaon, Junnar, Pune. Pin -410504
+91 97666 92514
+91 88017 29191
+91 99707 18198